You need fuck you money to escape this rat race.

What is Fuck You Money and why you need it

We are not born with freedom – we have to build it with FUCK YOU money

The rules are different for people who plopped out of the right vagina and were born with fuck you money, but for you and me, this is what life looks like:

  • From the ages of 5-18 you’re going to go to school every weekday, and get homework, but if you’re not great at memorising what underpaid, bored and tired teachers have say to you, well fuck you, your whole life is probably fucked as you’re not getting into a good college and end up doing important but low paid jobs for the rest of your life – because you got terrible career advice. God forbid you have any special learning needs – you’re just going to have to fucking pray that you don’t.
  • You’re going to spend the next, best 50 years of the physical prime of your life working, coz if you don’t you’ll be homeless, hungry and probably sick and die – scrambling to try and save for retirement
  • You’ll work 40-50 hours a week and get paid less than the value you generate (because that is how businesses work), all the while you’re expected to make it look like you’re privileged to have this opportunity to not starve and die out on the street. You spend what little money you make on things that make you forget about the impending doom that is monday.
  • If you die before you can access retirement age, well sucks to be you, should have lived long enough to take advantage of all that tax you chose to pay your whole life huh.
  • Retire, pray you don’t have any debilitating diseases affecting your mind or body, you will finally have the freedom you craved for your whole life – but you will spend the final years of pissed that you’re not longer physically able to do what you’ve wanted to your whole life. Skiing trip? Forget about it, climbing Everest? No fucking way.
  • Witness your body slowly fall apart in semi-poverty and if you’re lucky spend some time with the friends who haven’t passed away and your family when they can be bothered to visit you. 

This is what life looks like for the wealthy elite: 

  • You spend the ages of 5-18 in prestigious boarding schools, with the best facilities in the world, the most qualified and motivated teachers in the world, not only are all of your needs taken care of, you have the chance to take part in a fuck load of activities after school like horse riding, fencing, rock-climbing you name it. You spend your time making connections with people who are going to inherit vast amounts of riches that will bode you well for the rest of your life. 
  • Spend the rest of your life doing whatever the fuck you want, you can go to some of the most prestigious colleges in the world because of your boarding school, if not, you can spend your time travelling the whole world in your private yacht, starting businesses, inheriting the family business or just gambling in vegas all year.

People take advantage of you when they know you need something – especially a job

I once had this absolute prick of a boss who was so fucking full of himself he treated everyone else below him on the corporate ladder like utter shit, blaming you for his mistakes, lying about work related issues, or just being a rude dick.

More than once, the way he spoke to me I wanted to say “FUCK YOU PRICK”, punch him and leave, but I’d put up with it, tell myself I need that job and he’s not that bad, even though I’d spend my morning commute hoping the train crashed just so I wouldn’t have to go to work that day.

This was a long time ago now, but, it still makes me seethe, and I never want to be in that position again, thankfully I’m a fair way along in my goal of getting fuck you money, so hopefully I won’t have to – especially since I know to create passive income.

Looking back though, I know now why he behaved like that, he knew I needed that job, I couldn’t just quit on the spot and it made him feel powerful to see what he could get away with – and that’s when I knew I needed Financial Independence.

You may think your boss isn’t like that, or that you really do like your job, but the fact of the matter is that you’re not working by choice. Taking away the choice, makes even the best things in life seem like a curse, so work is going to fucking suck massively most of the time.

You will come to dread and eventually hate it. So do yourself a favour, and pick a job that’ll pay you the most rather than one that you feel you’ll enjoy the most. 

You see this in action every time your boss manipulated you into unpaid overtime or dangles that promotion in front of you to work weekends. We need to win the power back and that is why we need FUCK YOU money. 

Having to do something – anything, makes it a chore as the good folk at Reddit Antiwork will tell you, the freedom to explore and enjoy your life can only come once you have achieve financial independence with FUCK YOU money. 

What is FUCK YOU money?

FUCK YOU money means having enough money to say “FUCK YOU” and walk off when your job puts you in an unacceptable situation without having to worry about your finances.

There isn’t an exact number that says how much money it is – as this can be different amounts for different people, for some it could be enough money to ensure you won’t be starving or becoming homeless while looking for a new job. For others, Fuck you money may mean having enough never to HAVE  to work again, ever. This also falls under the FIRE(Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement that is really popular right now for good reason.

Imagine for a minute, a world where everyone had a FUCK YOU fund and with it the power, at any point, to walk away from their job if you didn’t like the way your boss behaved, or if you were overworked, or you simply wanted a change.

It would make the world such a better place, it would force bosses to treat everyone with respect and fairness! Imagine if you had fuck you money today, would you still want to be in the same job or would you look for a new job, or even go back to studying, learn some new skills, do charity work or just retire.

While obviously, we can’t make this change happen on a global scale as great as it would be, but we can, at least make sure we and the people around us that we care the most about have the financial independence that comes with having FUCK you money and there are some simple fucking things you can do right now.

You can not know what you want to do with your life and what your life’s work will be until you can stop worrying about survival. There is a reason the greatest philosophers, artists and athletes tend to come from wealthy backgrounds, they’re free from the feeling of dread that accompanies each day we have, the hatred of the very thing we so desperately need to survive.

Obviously deciding to work towards FUCK YOU money and actually getting there are two different things, follow these steps and hopefully, you too will start to see some light at the end of this horrifying tunnel that doesn’t involve having wasted the majority of your life generating value for a corporation and it’s shareholders.

A Fuck you fund (or emergency fund) changes the power dynanmic with your workplace

One of the biggest benefits that come along with having a fuck you fund is how your attitude changes and the change in how others treat you. Just like how people know when you badly need a job and treat you as such, they also know when you’re not scared of losing your job.

Being immune to the fear of living paycheck to pay check will give you a lot of leverage in the workplace, especially during pay rise and promotion negotiations and in a lot of cases either enable you to improve your working conditions, leading to a promotion and increased salary at your current job or quit your job for a higher paid one.

If you want this in your life you will have to do it yourself because No one is coming to save you, there will be no great societal upheaval while we’re young, and you’re not going to fucking win the lottery. Increase your savings rate and get a fuck you fund now!

If the thought of working till you’re 65 terrifies you and you want the freedom to start living your life while you’re still young then download this free guide that will let you retire decades earlier by following only 4 simple rules – I used this guide to go from having no savings to the brink of retirement in just 7 years.

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